The Always-Up-To-Date US State Privacy Law Comparison Chart

Is it getting harder to keep track of state privacy laws, or is it just us? From the ever growing list of privacy bills coming out of state legislatures, the following states have passed comprehensive data privacy laws: California, Virginia, Colorado, Utah, Connecticut, Iowa, Indiana, Montana, Tennessee, Texas, Oregon, Delaware, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Maryland, Minnesota, Kentucky, Nebraska, and now Rhode Island. Florida has also passed a comprehensive privacy law (which we’ve included in our comparison chart), but one should note that the scope is much more narrow.

With each new law, comes the questions of how requirements and impacts to the digital advertising industry will differ. This chart defines the basics like applicability, sensitive data processing, and deadlines to honor universal opt-out mechanisms. It also teases apart the differences in what needs to be in your privacy notice for each state.

Bookmark this page for an always-up-to-date overview of US state privacy laws, and download our infographic on effective deadlines to remember.

Interested in understanding the nuances in state approaches to sensitive data? Check out our comparison chart on sensitive data definitions.