Note: Use the same sample of contracts/agreements for the review of Required and Additional Health Services, Clinical Staffing, and Sliding Fee Discount Program. The sampling methodologies for Sliding Fee Discount Program are different from Contracts and Subawards and Conflict of Interest, even though they may result in some overlap in the contracts/agreements reviewed. Expand all
The health center has a sliding fee discount program (SFDP) 1 that applies to all required and additional health services 2 within the HRSA-approved scope of project for which there are distinct fees. 3
Response is either: Yes or No
If No, an explanation is required, including specifying which in-scope services are excluded from sliding fee discounts or any other type of discount.
The health center has board-approved policy(ies) for its SFDP that apply uniformly to all patients and address the following areas:
If No was selected for any of the above, an explanation is required.
If No was selected for any of the above, an explanation is required.
For services provided directly by the health center (Form 5A: Services Provided, Column I), the health center’s SFDS(s) is structured consistent with its policy and provides discounts as follows:
When responding to the question(s) below, please note:
The questions relate to services provided directly by the health center (Form 5A, COLUMN I).
If No was selected for BOTH of the above, an explanation is required.
Response is either: Yes or No
If No, an explanation is required.
For health centers that choose to have more than one SFDS, these SFDSs would be based on services (for example, having separate SFDSs for broad service types, such as medical and dental, or distinct subcategories of service types, such as preventive dental and additional dental services) and/or on service delivery methods (for example, having separate SFDSs for services provided directly by the health center and for in-scope services provided via formal written contract) and no other factors.
The health center’s SFDS(s) has incorporated the most recent FPG.
The health center has operating procedures for assessing/re-assessing all patients for income and family size consistent with board-approved SFDP policies.
The health center has records of assessing/re-assessing patient income and family size except in situations where a patient has declined or refused to provide such information.
The health center has mechanisms for informing patients of the availability of sliding fee discounts (for example, distributing materials in language(s) and literacy levels appropriate for the patient population, including information in the intake process, publishing information on the health center’s website).
For in-scope services provided via contracts (Form 5A: Services Provided, Column II, Formal Written Contract/Agreement), the health center ensures that fees for such services are discounted as follows:
When responding to the question(s) below, please note:
If No was selected for BOTH of the above, an explanation is required.
Response is: Yes, No, or Not Applicable
If No, an explanation is required.
For services provided via formal referral arrangements (Form 5A: Services Provided, Column III), the health center ensures that fees for such services are either discounted as described in element “c” above or discounted in a manner such that:
When responding to the question(s) below, please note:
Response is: Yes, No, or Not Applicable
If No, an explanation is required, including describing the format and type of any discounts provided.
Health center patients who are eligible for sliding fee discounts and have third-party coverage are charged no more for any out-of-pocket costs than they would have paid under the applicable SFDS discount pay class. 8 Such discounts are subject to potential legal and contractual restrictions. 9
The health center evaluates, at least once every 3 years, its SFDP. At a minimum, the health center:
1. A health center’s SFDP consists of the schedule of discounts that is applied to the fee schedule and adjusts fees based on the patient’s ability to pay. A health center’s SFDP also includes the related policies and procedures for determining sliding fee eligibility and applying sliding fee discounts.
2. See [Health Center Program Compliance Manual] Chapter 4: Required and Additional Health Services for more information on requirements for services within the scope of the project.
3. A distinct fee is a fee for a specific service or set of services, which is typically billed for separately within the local health care market.
4. Income is defined as earnings over a given period of time used to support an individual/household unit based on a set of criteria of inclusions and exclusions. Income is distinguished from assets, as assets are a fixed economic resource while income is comprised of earnings.
5. Nominal charges are not “minimum fees,” “minimum charges,” or “co-pays.”
6. For example, a SFDS with discount pay classes of 101 percent to 125 percent of the FPG, 126 percent to 150 percent of the FPG, 151 percent to 175 percent of the FPG, 176 percent to 200 percent of the FPG, and over 200 percent of the FPG would have four discount pay classes between 101 percent and 200 percent of the FPG.
7. See [Health Center Program Compliance Manual] Chapter 16: Billing and Collections, if the health center has access to other grants or subsidies that support patient care.
8. For example, an insured patient receives a health center service for which the health center has established a fee of $80, per its fee schedule. Based on the patient’s insurance plan, the co-pay would be $60 for this service. The health center also has determined, through an assessment of income and family size, that the patient’s income is 150 percent of the FPG and thus qualifies for the health center’s SFDS. Under the SFDS, a patient with an income at 150 percent of the FPG would receive a 50 percent discount of the $80 fee, resulting in a charge of $40 for this service. Rather than the $60 co-pay, the health center would charge the patient no more than $40 out-of-pocket, consistent with its SFDS, as long as this is not precluded or prohibited by the applicable insurance contract.
9. Such limitations may be specified by applicable federal or state programs, or private payor contracts.