

The archaeology program offers the student a broad background in the method and theory of anthropological archaeology. Students in the program should specialize in the areas of research in which the faculty has interest and expertise. Faculty interests include cultural ecology, bioarchaeology, paleoethnobotany, archaeozoology, the history of archaeology, emergent social complexity, early empires, hunter-gatherer prehistory and coastal adaptations. Area specialties available to the student are North America, Andean South America, Mesoamerica, Western Europe, and the Middle East.

Students in archaeology are admitted to the M.A./Ph.D.The archaeology program involves a set of requirements that includes courses, a comprehensive exam, a research paper, dissertation proposal, an oral qualifying exam, and the dissertation. The details of the requirements are worked out between an advisor and the student in order to formulate a plan of study that is tailored to the student's specific research goals.

Courses are normally taken for two years with a student taking three courses per academic quarter (or two courses, if the person is serving as a Teaching Assistant). A total of four core courses is required for the M.A. degree; remaining courses are specified in the individual contracts. In the spring quarter of the second year of study, the student takes a qualifying examination that focuses on general prehistory and method and theory in archaeology. A satisfactory performance in the above requirements is necessary to attain the M.A. degree.

A research paper is due in fall quarter of the third year. Upon completion of all of the requirements for the M.A. degree, the research paper, and one additional core course, the student writes the dissertation proposal. Once this proposal has been approved by the Ph.D committee the student is advanced to candidacy.

Department of Anthropology
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3210

Department Main Office
Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HSSB) 2001

Main Office Hours
Monday through Thursday
9am-12pm and 1-4pm
Friday 9am-12pm