Wake county early college application
Early College FAQs
- How does a student apply for an early college, leadership academy or the Vernon Malone College and Career Academy? Any interested student who is attending a WCPSS school or pre-registered in WCPSS may apply to attend an early college, leadership academy, Vernon Malone College and Career Academy or North Wake College & Career Academy. Interested students must complete an applicationOctober 13-November 30, 2018
- Who may submit an application? Any student attending or pre-registered in WCPSS and rising into 6 th , 7 th , 8 th , 9 th , or 10th grade (11th grade available for VMCCA and NWCCA) may submit an application for a WCPSS early college middle or high school. Students must have a valid WCPSS student identification number in order to complete the application. A student not currently attending a WCPSS school may submit an application however, they must first pre-register at their base school to receive a student identification number.
- When may a non-WCPSS student register and get a student identification number? A non-WCPSS student will be able to register beginning October 15, 2018 at the base school for their address. To find the base school, visit wcpss.net/eligible. To find enrollment info visit wcpss.net/enroll.
- What does the Early College application include? The application is an opportunity for students to share information about their grades and the desire to attend an early college. Students must submit information to show prior grades, End of Grade/Course levels and complete an essay. They must also get recommendations from their English/Language Arts teacher, Math teacher and school based administrator or counselor.
- Where can I get an application? The application is available October 13 - November 30, 2018 at earlycolleges.wcpss.net/apply.
- How do I complete the application? To complete the application, you will begin by creating an account. You will need the applicant’s student identification number and an active email address to create an account and complete the application. For assistance contact the Office of Magnet and Curriculum Enhancement Programs at 919.533.7295 or earlycollegeprograms@wcpss.net.
- Do siblings have to complete the application in order to be selected? Siblings must complete an application and score at least a 70 to be eligible to be selected as a sibling.
- How many schools may a student rank on the application? A student may rank as many schools for which they are eligible. Middle school students are only eligible for one school – either the Young Women’s Leadership Academy or the Young Men’s Leadership Academy. Rising 9 th and 10 th grade students may submit an application to either of the single gender Leadership Academies, Wake Early College of Health Sciences, Wake STEM Early College, North Wake College and Career Academy and Vernon Malone College and Career Academy. Rising 11 th graders may only apply to the North Wake College and Career Academy or Vernon Malone College and Career Academy. You are only eligible to be selected for early colleges to which you submitted a completed application. A completed application must include a completed essay.
- Can a non-WCPSS student apply for an early college? Yes, a student not currently attending a WCPSS school may submit an application. They must first pre-register at the base school for their address to receive a student identification number. You can find enrollment info at wcpss.net/enroll. You can find the base school at wcpss.net/eligible.
- How can I learn about the early colleges available? Each early college, including the Leadership Academies and the Vernon Malone College and Career Academy hosts open house sessions and tours. Please check their websites for information about dates and times.
- Do early college applicants also have to complete the magnet application? Eearly college applicants do NOT have to complete the magnet application. Since your early college choices are ranked in the early college application you do not have to complete the magnet application.
For assistance, please contact the Office of Magnet and Curriculum Enhancement Programs at 919.533.7295 or earlycollegeprograms@wcpss.net.
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