Graduate Programs

The Campbellsville University Master of Science in Information Technology Management goes beyond mainstream thought and practices, fostering intellectual inquiry and creative mastery. A combination of management and IT provides a foundation for career advancement in an ever-growing IT industry.

Master of Science in Information Technology Management (MSITM)

The program is classified as a STEM program. The goal of the program is to equip students with the advanced knowledge and skills needed to reach their potential in the ITM field. The program will give students the competency and flexibility to create and maintain a competitive edge in today’s rapidly changing, highly competitive IT environment. Students will be introduced to best practices for managing IT functions and interrelationships within an organization. The MSITM requires students to have previous work experience, be working currently in a full-time or part-time position, completing an internship, or job shadowing. This degree is primarily intended for practicing professionals who possess a bachelor’s degree and feel the need for additional study in order to maximize and enhance their ability to contribute to their career, their company, and society. The degree will assist students who have a bachelor’s degree to prepare for further study in doctoral programs.

Standards and Evaluation Achievement

Each course in the MSITM program has its own method for evaluating student performance. The particular methods of assessment will be explained to students and included in the written syllabus for the course at the beginning of each course. A student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 throughout the program. All course grades assigned in the program are entered on the student’s official transcript and counted toward the cumulative grade point average. A student who earns a grade lower than C will be subject to academic dismissal. A student who earns more than two grades of C or lower will be subject to academic dismissal. A student may repeat a course in which a grade of C was earned; however, a course may be repeated only once. In cases where a course was repeated, both grades remain on the transcript, but only the last grade will count toward the grade point average. Student academic transcripts are reviewed at the end of each session. A student who fails to maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 will be placed on academic probation and will have one academic term to remove the probationary status or be dismissed from the program. A student will have six years from the date of entry into the program in which to complete all of the requirements for graduation.