This form is used to determine your eligibility to serve as a juror at a future date with the U.S. District Court. This is not a summons for jury service.
Click here to complete your qualification questionnaire online. You must have your 9 digit participant number which can be located to the right of your name and address on the questionnaire.
Although all qualification questionnaires are processed in Columbia that does not mean you will be summonsed for jury service in Columbia. Other court locations are Anderson, Charleston, Florence, Greenville, and Spartanburg.
The District of South Carolina uses Voter Registration lists compiled by the South Carolina Election Commission to create a pool of potential jurors.
Names are drawn randomly by computer. Each county is represented in accordance with the population. Petit jurors are drawn from counties within their respective jury areas. Grand jurors are selected in the same manner or from the entire state.
The District of South Carolina is divided into four large jury areas which may require travel to a courthouse some distance from one's home. Since all jurors are selected randomly by computer, a person may be summoned to a courthouse which is not the closest Federal Courthouse to his/her home.
Jury selection is completed on the first day you report. If you are chosen as a juror you will know the name of the case you will be serving on, the expected trial date and the estimated length of the trial. You will receive written instructions to call the jury toll free number prior to the trial date.
If you are not chosen on a jury, your jury service is completed.
Click here to obtain information on excuses from Jury Service.
Your request may take up to 15 business days to process. You will not receive written notification. If you are excused, the court cannot reimburse you or give you credit for attendance.
You will need your nine-digit participant number to check your status. Follow the prompts and enter your nine-digit participant number when requested.
You must check your reporting status the day before your scheduled jury service. If you are not required to report, the court cannot reimburse you or give you credit for attendance.
No. Prior local jury service is not an excuse. Federal Court jury service within the previous two years is a valid excuse.
We randomly select names from the Voter Registration Lists every two to four years. When you are excused by the Court, your name remains on the voter files; so there is the potential of being selected as a prospective juror again.
You may not be excused for being a student, but you may be deferred for later service. If you are still in school when you are called for later service, you may be deferred again.
The statutory age for excuse from federal jury service is 70.
Your doctor's excuse must be specific enough to determine if there is a permanent or temporary medical problem. Potential jurors are eligible to be summoned over a two to four year period.
Contact the Jury Section in Columbia at 803-253-3382 to obtain another summons.
Click here to complete your questionnaire online. You must have your 9 digit participant number which can be located below your name and address on the summons.
If you do not have internet access and need a questionnaire and excuse form mailed to you, call 803-310-2382 and follow the instructions.